
James Castle Collage - Children's Buggy

This pram, or baby carriage, shows Castle’s use of numerous layers of cardboard that give this work added dimension. Thick twine and string woven through the cardboard provide structural support.

James Castle Collage - Buttoned Shirt

Drawings and constructions of coats were a frequent subject in Castle’s work.

James Castle Collage - Cow

Castle is said to have loved animals, particularly the ones he saw around his family’s small farm. While birds are commonly featured in Castle’s artwork, he occasionally made constructions of other animals like this cow.

Pair of James Castle Collages of Children

These two figures constructed using separate pieces of paper for each element of clothing, including socks, shoes, shirts and coats.

James Castle Collage - Cups

These rare, three-dimensional sculptures are surrounded with squares of thick paper carefully sewn to each vessel. These paper squares are also seen on 2-D constructions that depict volumetric forms such as pitchers and bowls.

James Castle Collage - Door

This construction with hand-colored geometric shapes carefully sewn to a cardboard sub-structure probably represents the patterned wallpaper often seen in Castle’s drawings of interior living spaces.